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Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Identity " Godzilla "


       Godzilla re- visited theaters on May 16 , in 3 - D and IMAX . The giant monster , in the form of computer-generated visual effects , will be the center of attention in this film .

Analysts will measure how big monster Godzilla this time than in previous films : the largest in history , with a height of approximately 106 meters . Fans want to prove that the mutant lizards 2014 version looks pretty scary without much different from the original Japanese Godzilla , the monster from the much loved rubber .

However , for the makers of this film , there is one challenge that is often ignored . How can I make a Godzilla movie for the 31st time ? How to write a compelling story about human beings dealing with the monster of Japan 's for the first time ?

Actor Bryan Cranston and Aaron Taylor - Johnson in " Godzilla " .
Heavy duty to update the story for 60 -year -old monster is carried by a director whose name is not well known , Gareth Edwards , and screenwriter who is less well known , Max Borenstein . With a budget estimated at $ 160 million , Edwards and Borenstein chose to explore the fundamental meaning behind Godzila , a concept which has been used since the first monster that attacked Japan in 1954 . Godzilla is more than just a wrecking machine reptiles . Godzilla is a tangible manifestation of our fears . " It represents our fear , something we can not control , " said Borenstein .

After the crew behind this film come together , they made ​​two big decisions . First , Godzilla will fight with other monsters , return to tradition . Most importantly , they decided to make the film Godzilla "serious " and more character to commemorate the first film Godzilla . This differs from the Godzilla that looks more ridiculous in the era of the 1960s and 1970s or the characters who try to be funny in the 1998 version , which starred Matthew Broderick .

The first Godzilla movie , made ​​in Japan in 1954 titled " Gojira " , more viscous political elements . " Gojira " was produced when the wounds of World War II is still not dry . There are scenes of displaced families in Tokyo which was heavily damaged and was quite vague references to the impact of the atomic bomb on Japan . Godzilla Awakening is the fruit of the sea of radioactive failure . A scientist has warned that the atomic test may create another monster .

" In the first film , it is obvious that Godzilla is a real embodiment of a nuclear war , " said Borenstein . " He always represent forces beyond our control . That's why we think natural disasters exacerbated by our act . Whether it's Hurricane Katrina or the tsunami that caused the nuclear reactor leak , this is a dangerous disaster that , in some ways , compounded by our own arrogance . "

In this latest film , Godzilla is treated more as a force of nature rather than a character . " Monster has a relationship with another human being in many ways . Godzilla is the relationship he stepped on a human . He did not see them , "said Borenstein . By portraying Godzilla as a natural disaster , the story shifted to how people interact with each other in a crisis .

The story of this film begins with a nuclear reactor accident in Japan . This plot has the potential to rip the back injury as a result of the Fukushima disaster in 2011 . According to Borenstein , a film crew arguing about how to make this film quite sensitive .

"The movie [ Godzilla ] can be made first nine years after the two atomic bombs [ dropped in Japan ] . Films that speak directly to the citizens of Japan . Also in the same year , a Japanese fishing irradiating the hydrogen bomb , triggering a major scandal and loss of life . If they can put a monster as a metaphor to uncover a painful truth , then we can do the same , "said Borenstein .

" It is a challenge that our own choosing. We did not specifically talk about Fukushima , despite the resonance . And in my opinion , it should be no resonance . The best monster movies always talk about a real and reasonable fear . "

The Amazing Spider - Man 2 : Spider - Man with a New Taste

        Spider - Man the spider man came again with a different appearance and behavior . In The Amazing Spider - Man 2 , in his red costume , he is no longer the geeky guy , nerdy , thick glasses , but humorous guy and a bit cheeky . He was still a young hero who love the job .

Before the premiere of the movie The Amazing Spider - Man 2 in Indonesia on 30 April 2014 , Sony Pictures invited about 50 journalists from several countries to Singapore . They were asked to watch a new movie fragment Marc Webb 's direction featuring performances by the three dimensional Spider - Man .

Marc Webb tried to show the figure of Peter Parker , Spider - Man young , with all the appearance of a jovial , carefree . Marc did not want to show the figure of Peter Parker's geeky and become the object of derision as the first school friend Tobey Maguire displayed . Marc re- appoint Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker .

" He's a funny guy and is very suitable for the humor to be one of the basic character of Spider - Man . Andrew has the capacity to be dissolved in this role , " Marc said late last month at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel , Singapore .

Peter annoyance repeatedly appear in a scene of The Amazing Spider - Man 2 . One was when she was almost late for the graduation at her school because of preoccupation with the " job " as Spider - Man . Peter arrived at the school a few seconds before he was called forward to the podium to receive embedding graduation .

Funny and suspenseful moments helped spice up the movie . Clearly , Spider - Man Marc Webb's version this time so enjoy the " profession " . Once in a while he even whistled behind the spider man costume tight . There was no burden at all behind the great responsibility Spider - Man .

Three-dimensional effect
In this film , Marc cinema displays three-dimensional visualization of the effects are amazing. For example, in the scene of a plane crash two parents of Peter Parker who looks dramatic . Also the emergence of figures innocent Electro Max Dillon ( Jamie Foxx ) is filled with laser effects . Or on the acts of acrobatic Spider - Man while running a " job " .

Marc tried to bring the audience to feel how to be Spider - Man as Peter Parker felt . This situation is very pronounced when the three- dimensional visual effects bring the audience to feel the swing - Spider-Man swings from building to building one another . Invited the audience seemed acrobatics in between skyscrapers , slipping a GoPro camera on the head .

As the cast of Peter Parker and Spider - Man , Andrew Garfield feels very lucky . According to him , being a Peter Parker Spider - Man at the same time very interesting because the life is multidimensional . On the one hand he is a Peter Parker who should pay attention to his close friend , Gwen Stacy ( Emma Stone ) , but on the other hand it is also a Spider - Man that every moment should be ready to serve the community .

" We've never been in one respect only. Mankind has always been between love and hate, between life and death . 's Where Peter Parker and also Spider- Man was , " said Andrew .

According to Andrew , the character of Peter Parker is needed by the people now being able to inspire the public in positive ways . The presence of Spider - Man not only symbolize a form of protection to the community , loyalty , or love , but also a symbol of the love of the job and its responsibilities .

"The way Peter Parker's life with all the fun and enjoyment in the wild world is a manifestation of how he loves his job as a hero . He enjoyed his work not merely as a duty , " he said .

Inspired by a love of Spider - Man on his work , Andrew also played the hero seeks total this spider costume . Nearly 75 percent of the scenes of Spider - Man he played himself in the film , while the remainder is done by a stunt double .

One of the film 's producer , Matt Tolmach , called The Amazing Spider - Man 2 was designed more magnificent and perfect than the previous films .

" Spider - Man figure we show a more challenging as technology changes the 21st century with a more interesting visual effects , advanced technology , and a very unique actor . Such as Spider - Man , Andrew also enjoys the work of his life , " Tolmach said .

The Amazing Spider - Man 2
Director: Marc Webbu
Starring : Andrew Garfield ( Spider-Man/Peter Parker ) , Emma Stone ( Gwen Stacy ) , Jamie Foxx ( Electro / Max Dillon ) , Dane DeHaan ( Green Goblin / Harry Osborn ) , Sally Field ( Aunt Mary )
Production : Sony Pictures Digital Productions Inc. , 2014