1.James Cameron
2.Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolan was born in London , England , July 30, 1970 is a director , writer , and British producer . His father came from England while his mother came from America . He was born in London . He is a career in the film world since his famous 1989.Karya among other things Memento ( 2000) and Inception ( 2010)
3.Steven Spielberg
Steven Allan Spielberg was born in Cincinnati , Ohio , United States , December 18, 1946 is a famous film director and producer of Jewish descent from the United States . He has received three Oscar Award ( Academy Award ) as well as an Honorary Lifetime Award is the famous Hidup.Karyanya ET (1982 ) , THE TERMINAL (2004 ) , Jurassic PARK (1993 ) and CATCH ME IF YOU CAN (2002 )
4.Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Jerome Tarantino was born March 27, 1963 , age 48 years was a director , actor , and screenwriter who never won an Oscar from the United Serikat.Karya his famous among others, Kill Bill ( Vol 1 2003 - Vol 2 2004) and INGLORIUS Bastard ( 2009)
5.Peter Jackson
Sir Peter Robert Jackson , born October 31, 1961 is a director who is mainly known as the director of the movie trilogy THE LORD OF THE RINGS ( 2001-2002-2003 ) , adapted from the book by J. R. R. Tolkien . From the movie trilogy , Jackson received the award from the Academy Award , Golden Globe and a BAFTA . In addition , Jackson also directed the film KING KONG (2005 )
6.Tim Burton
Tim Burton was born in Burbank , California , USA , August 25, 1958 is a famous American director with the forces of his gothic or noir . The impression which appeared in Tim Burton's films are bleak impression and a little humor of his most famous gelap.Karya is SCISSORHAND EDWARD (1990 ) and CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (2005 )
7.Ridley Scott
Sir Ridley Scott was born in South Shields , 30 November 1937 is a British film director who won the Golden Globe nominations , an Emmy Award , and a BAFTA . He became famous when its main direct a film like Alien , Blade Runner , Thelma & Louise , Gladiator , Black Hawk Down , Matchstick Men , Kingdom of Heaven , and American Gangster . He is a career in the film world since 1965 .
8.Michael Bay
Michael Benjamin Bay was born February 17, 1965 is an American film director and producer States. Successful films directed by Bay including Transformers , Armageddon , The Rock , Pearl Harbor , Bad Boys , and Bad Boys II .
9.Martin Scorsese
Martin Luciano Scorsese born 17 November 1942 is an American film director . He initially wanted to become a priest , but eventually chose NYU School movies school and graduated in 1966 . Kary his famous among others, GANGS OF NEW YORK , THE DEPARTED , THE AVIATOR , SHUTTER ISLAND AND BULL ragging
10.Robert Zemeckis
Robert Lee " Bob " Zemeckis was born May 14, 1952 , age 59 years was the director , producer and screenwriter winners of the Academy Awards and the Golden Globe Award Serikat.Karya America 's most famous include Forrest Gump and CAST AWAY
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